Who Wants To Play Dominoes?
There's a group of older Puerto Ricans up the street who gather a bunch of old chairs, set up a table off of their stoop on the sidewalk, break out the drinks, turn on the radio, and play dominoes all the hot summer's day.
Reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd visit my grandma. We'd break out the set old musty dominoes from some old re-used box whose flaps were long since missing, move a bunch of dirty dishes and old newspapers out of the way, and play on the kitchen table. I remember even though we'd move all the stuff, the table wasn't ever really clean - I could see tiny smears of old hardened-on jelly and tufts of dog and/or cat hair. No big deal, it never stopped us from playing. It was always fun to see what abstract path the dominoes would make as we connected dots to dots. It never mattered whether who won or who lost, it was just fun being together.
Thinking about this makes me want to gather a bunch of good friends, sit down and relax, and have a nice, long game of dominoes. Refreshments are, of course, required!
Anyone interested?
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