Saturday, June 17, 2006

Found at Sea!


Last March when Pam was visiting New York we found a bottle in the surf on Coney Island. Alas, there were no desperate pleas from someone stranded on a tropical island or from some victims of pirates (arrr!), but we decided to put in a message ourselves. We came up with a little "Lost At Sea" statement and made up a hotmail address, wrote it up on a scrap piece of paper, stuck it in the bottle, and cast it off the pier into the briny sea!

We weren't sure if anybody would ever find our bottle, let alone the message. The bottle was quite worn and seemed less than satisfactory at keeping out water. As soon as we threw it in, we thought water would seep in, sinking the bottle to oceanfloor and ruining the piece of paper with our message on it. But we did it anyway. We filmed the launch and soon thereafter Pam went back home and created the hotmail account just in case.


Pam calls me leaving me a voicemail. What she tells me makes me jump up and down. Someone found our bottle and the message inside and responded back to us! Here's what he said:


I am from Muncie, Indiana and was visiting New York City in May when I
your message. I was very excited to say the least. Is this part of a
project? How many bottles did you send? Where did you send them from?

Please reply!

Dylan W."

How exciting!


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