Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I've Got the Plague

Ok, maybe not quite, but close enough. It's been a tough week and a half back here in NYC for me. First of all, literally within five minutes of parking my rental car outside my apartment after driving 17 hours from Wisconsin, I got a frickin $115 ticket for parking on the frickin sidewalk. Which, by the way, City Government, if you're reading this, I WAS NOT on the sidewalk! My tire was touching the curb. I hardly think that that was disrupting any traffic (pedestrian nor vehicular) at 5 in the morning. So take it back!

Then, I went on some dates this week, and guess what? I'm allergic to love or dating or people or something. I've figured out that I have a history of going out with someone and then a couple days later I break out in this unpleasant stress rash. Makes me want to hide myself from the world and that's where I am now, dammit. Was I that isolated and lonely as a child that any human contact I get now upsets my body chemistry and my face horribly mutates? Anyways, if anything, I think I'm gonna take this and do something with it, coming up with an idea for a story (play, comic book, whatever) based on this freakish curse that I've got.

I've also decided to get on the ball, just getting things done; but, it's a difficult thing to do when other parties involved don't respond. YMCA, if you are reading this, call or email me back! I want to join your gym/pool so I can get back into better shape. I've called and left messages and I've also emailed your membership director a couple times. I'm just hoping that you're not so understaffed that your membership director is also your pool-boy. Sheeesh!

And stupid IKEA, email me back about that bed I ordered. I want it sometime this year.

Now, dear readers, you may understand why I haven't blogged as much recently. I've been spending all my precious time in front of my mirror and in front of my computer checking my damn email.

Venting done. Thanks!


Blogger Amy Eisenman said...

I don't think you're allergic to love. I think you're allergic to stupidity.

3/08/2006 11:30 PM  
Blogger J.P. said...

ugh, you are soooo right. I'm watching this gameshow called Cash Cab and this idiot on it just lost because he didn't know that a three-line, seventeen syllable Japanese poem was called...a haiku. Duh!!!

3/09/2006 5:47 PM  

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