Let's See, What Haven't I Blogged About...
Here's a checklist for all my Bull-Roar fans of material I haven't shared with you all for one reason or another (you know I have excuses) for the last couple of months - aw heck, the past half a year.
- that time a bunch of my fingernails fell out (at the buffet table, of all places - how embarrassing!)
- I found out I have a long-lost twin named Bernard
- the condo I bought in Paducah, Kentucky with Lorraine
- the death of Nibbles
- which in effect, led to the demise of Rusty
- my new job at a Christian pharmacy
- getting fired from the Jesus "Pharm" for what "they" called gross negligence
- losing my passport in Botswana (kindly advice: don't do it!)
- hints for collecting supermarket coupons
Sorry I haven't blogged about the above. Time, as it is, is fleeting - so I will probably never blog about the above items - ever. I'll just let you, my dear blog-devourer to imagine these happenings in the context of my illustrious life. Okay, back to gutting that 14-point deer I just shot (and it's baby)!
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