Wednesday, November 07, 2007

CSI: Beaver Dam!

Hiya Bull-Roar Fans!!!!

I'm back for a bit here. Sorry about shirking my duties as a blogger - school's keeping me waaaay toooo busy! Yikes!

Anyway, to the heart of this entry- my mom's yard in Beaver Dam was the scene of a criminal investigation! No, Tasha didn't maul anyone. From what she told me on the phone, some teenagers robbed a pizza delivery guy in the neighborhood and ran, dropping evidence, i.e. a gun and something else (maybe pizza crust?) behind her garage and by the life-size ceramic deer in her yard. It was taped off and everything! Tasha didn't bark at the criminals, but she did open her yap for the police.

Here's a link to a story from the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tasha's a good boy! Whoooozzahh g'boy??? Tasha is. What's who!

11/07/2007 7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duh...THAT's who!

11/07/2007 7:38 PM  
Blogger J.P. said...

You silly! Tasha's a GIRL!

11/07/2007 8:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am impressed. Your mom needs to get another Toby, that way it can scare the crap out of the would-be robber for its humaniod/feline morphed features. The robber would drop dead right in her yard.. Now THAT would be a story!!! (And only from Beaver Dam) I can see the headlines now......

11/07/2007 9:32 PM  

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