Recent Activities
I've been in Wisconsin a little over a week now. I've been keeping busy searching for a job and a place to live, visiting friends and family, and wandering around in my truck. It's been a bit a culture shock for me, after living in NYC having the world at my hands, I'm temporarily at my dad's where there is no access to cable tv, internet, or phone service, so I have to drive through the woods and cornfields to either Columbus, a small town close by or to good ol' Madison in order to stay in touch with anybody.
Besides hitting up free hot-spots (most usually the public libraries) I've been doing other things.
The other day I met my college-friend Bambi at Crystal Lake Beach to escape the heat in its waters. This is where my sister and I used to have swim lessons and attended day-camp. The lessons didn't really work because I was scared of the water and the crayfish and snapping turtles that were in the water back then. Some of the kids were really mean to me,especially Jim and Jill Oestreicher. Those little fuckers cornered me one time at bus-stop at my old school while we waited for our ride there and snapped a towel in my eye. When the fucking bus-driver came and picked us up I was crying because my eyeball was BLEEDING and I was the one who got yelled at! Haha, memories! Even when I was a little kid I thought those two were having incest. Anyways this week's trip there was a lot less traumatic. The beach was filled with a bunch of rowdy kids and only three other adults, I counted! When we waded into the water, I made sure we were out of any in-the-water peeing children. The overhead P.A. system was pumping classic rock like Foghat, Def Leppard, and Heart. I wondered whose choice the music was since all the lifeguards were like 16 year-old girls.
Yesterday, I was my friend Cindy's escort into Madison where she had a job interview. She needed someone along who could help her with directions. It was with the Board of Trustees on Regent St. The office was housed in one of those new cardboard-box looking office buildings. Inside was an art display going on and on that the building was built in a Gothic Revival Style. Yeah, whatever. It's a box. With a little coppery trim someone stole off some other building. It's about as gothic as a parking lot at Target. Anyways, no matter the style, or lack of style, of the building I hope Cindy gets the job.
I, too, have been on the job-hunt. I'm hoping my temp-agency comes up with a few more assignments for me. Next week I'm going to be a big manly-man and move furniture for a couple days. Then something else, I hope. But, just in case, I picked up some applications to places (like coffeshops and bookstores) that will work around my school schedule and be close by to my new apartment. Yes, I signed a lease and I will moving in sometime in the last week of this month. It's in a four-unit 1950's apartment building three blocks from school. Yay! It's going to be weird though. I'm used to living in the heart of downtown Madison which is over-run by students and yuppies. Now I'm going to be close to the edge of east-side by the mall and and sprawl. There's a sports bar called Tailgaitors (notice the spelling) beyond my back-yard fence. I'm sure I'll be there all the time!

My apartment (a 2 bedroom, all hardwood floors) is the one on the upper right. When I get moved in, I'll let you all know when the housewarming party will be!
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