Wednesday, August 02, 2006

R.I.P. State St. Arcade

A couple weeks ago my friend Shelli passed along the news to me that one of my former (albeit, brief) jobs was shutting down. During a time of desperation I applied to the State St. Arcade, a naughty bookstore, as a cashier and I got the job. Supposedly, even though I was there for about four months my manager Jim said I was one of the best workers there...EVER! So it was with sadness that I walked along State St. the other night to find it completely shut down and a for rent sign hanging up where the notice of adults only used to hang. Sigh....thanks a lot stupid over-priced, and architecturally pompous and inferior Madison Arts Overture Center for pricing out a good "family" (cough) run porn store. Boo to you!

Here's the Arcade in better times:

Everyone in the view-range of my camera jumped out of sight before I snapped this.


Blogger Amy Eisenman said...

Moment of silence! At least it didn't burn down, like the Hotel Washington.

8/03/2006 2:04 AM  
Blogger J.P. said...

When I worked there the staff kept a log-book, a spiral notebook called the "Porn-Log," that acted as a communication device between the different shifts. It contained stories and drawings of many of our weirdo customers.

On my last day, I had "certain people" sneak it out and had it contents scanned into jpeg form. I would love to share those pages with everyone here -just as soon as I find it in all my boxed up stuff!

8/03/2006 1:56 PM  
Blogger Amy Eisenman said...

Excellent! A little capsule of life in The Arcade!

8/08/2006 12:26 PM  

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