Friday, June 09, 2006

Redrum! Redrum!

I am 33 years old and I just, finally, watched Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining!"

It was incredible and horrifying on so many levels. I loved the tracking shots and the way Kubrick implemented the soundtrack and musical score to heighten the scariness of it all. I'd go more into it, but I don't want to spoil it for others who have waited just as long, and now indeed longer, than me to watch it.

I do want to mention though:

God, Shelley Duvall is sooooo ugly that she clearly suffers from what I call the Ramona Syndrome: so ugly, she's beautiful. It's rather obvious that nobody in the seventies gave a hoot about looking good. The uglier the better! I watched it with my Puerto Rican roommate who kept screeching about her big ugly eyes and teeth whenever Shelley was on screen. I'm going to join her fanclub.

As I watched the movie, I kept thinking about the parody of it that appeared on one of the Simpson's Halloween specials. It's funny when spoofs can be so educational and informing. Bravo, Simpsons!

Question: Is every building that is supposedly haunted here in America built over an Indian burial ground??? And if so, when we run out of Indian burial grounds, will new hauntings be associated with homes constructed over Catholic, Baptist, or Scientologist burial grounds / cemetaries?


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