Backup Plan
Thanks to posting my resume on Craigslist it looks like I might have a new job! Guess I'm going to be waiting tables at some hipster diner that serves organic hot-dogs. It's a place called Sparky's and it has two locations set up in New York: one in Williamsburg, the part of Brooklyn that reminds me of Milwaukee, but populated by a bunch of scenesters; and one in Soho. The owners had me come in yesterday in order to get acquainted with their setup. Seems pretty cool. It's one of those places where none of the chairs and tables match.
Points about this job that will make me happy:
1. I can wear whatever I want (although... they will smell of yummy, yummy hot-dogs and french fries at the ends of my shifts).
2. The shifts are only 6 hours long.
3. Free food!
4. I will be in control of the music. Got to start thinking of playlists!
5. I won't be spending $12 and three hours a day on a train to and from stupid Long Island anymore.
6. It's part-time. That's not the best news for my wallet; however, I'm just not full-time material at the moment.
Crap. I probably just jinxed my chances of getting this job. I should have blogged about this after I actually get assigned work-shifts!
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