Happy Birthday, State of Wisconsin!
May 29, 1848!
Whew - got that in before it was too late! (Wisconsin is known to be a friendly and easy-going sort, but, unfortunately, is kinda scary-sensitive about birthdays and holidays and all that...)
May 29, 1848!
My almost forty year-old, gay Puerto Rican roommate and his almost forty year-old friend (the basement-dwelling son of my Puerto-Rican landlord) got into a physical confrontation over some cardboard decorations for their PSP's!
My camera is the latest casualty to faulty production. For 23 months this camera was my friend, you know, one of those friends that can piss you off so bad, but you still retain your comaraderie. Well, it's over. My $400 camera completely died and will now be used as a paperweight or a blunt weapon.
Yep, I got my first sunburn of the year. I never learn when it comes to me and the sun. I went out for a leisurely walk to Prospect Park in the late afternoon. The weather was gorgeous and my copy of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was begging to be read. It was the late afternoon so I thought I'd be fine. Wrong. It's fairly obvious when I have my shirt off that I, at one point, had worn a wife-beater. The evidence against me is truly staggering!
A few responses to my Craigslist posting of my resume showed up to my email account. Yay! Hopefully, I'll be able to escape the Gloom that has shrouded my life the last couple days.
Haha, douchebags - real funny.
Ugh. To quote the Smiths:
A Hearse stopped at a traffic-light. It's windows were open, it's stereo pumping out "Borderline" by Madonna!
I love irony.
The streets of New York are teeming with packs of what I call the "Boom-Booms" - macho dudes driving around in a never-ending man vs. man/nature/society/other idiot quest, windows down and stereos advertising the latest Dr. Little Bow Wow Wow Rappy Doo Dogg for all those unfortunate to be within their blaring epicenters. These earth-bound roving sonic-booms usually come and go, never staying much longer than a stop at a red light, and with a few angry blasts of the horn (to hurry up their distantly-related, silent slower brethren) they're on their way laying waste to other neighborhoods and I'm able to get on with my life.
Car-alarms are a joke. Nobody ever does anything when they go off.
I haven't left my stupid apartment all weekend. Thursday night, a friend in the City asked me to model for an anti-meth campaign (which I suppose was waaaaay more pro-booze) and I ended up drinking a little. Anyway the next morning I wake up with an overzealous hangover and a really grody pop-eye. So I've been hiding from humanity sitting in seclusion on probably the nicest weekend in New York this year listening to all the non-Mexicans in my neighborhood loudly celebrating Cinco de Mayo. Yay! I end up sitting in my apartment picking myself apart for drinking what I did (which is so incredibly lame, since what I drank is probably the equivalent of some people's morning mouthwash) and thinking about investing in a plastic bubble to live in. So. I have a whole weekend to read and watch teevee and surf the net, right? Nope! My head and eyes hurt too much to stare at a book, or even a comic-book. The cable's been out on this side of the apartment for over a week now and the cable-jerk isn't coming til this next upcoming weekend (guess I'm gonna miss the season finales of "Lost" and "Smallville", the only two shows I ever watch - godamn you, Time-Warner). My internet access has pooped in and out on me too. Hey though, I thought I could maybe work with my digital camera since I just got it a new battery (battree, for you Pam). My camera, my life and blood, had been acting out. It "informed" me it wanted me to change it's battery pack, which I would then do - but, it would snappishly repeat its message to me even after I fed it a freshly charged battery. I got a new battery off the internet and weeks later after it came, I charged it and placed it into my hungry camera - crap. I got the same message. My camera is a petulant brat and I'm a practically on welfare, so I'm too poor to pay to fix it or *egads!* replace it. That reminds me, my iPod is also being a fucking bitch troublemaker. It loses its power after using it for only an hour. ARGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Last night I dreamed that I got my test score back from an essay I wrote in a prior night's dream. Boo-ya, I totally aced it! 99% - in your face!
Okay, okay. I admit it. I have in my possesion two tickets to see Madonna's upcoming Confession Tour. Somehow I got hooked up with a presale event and I ended up with some pretty good (really good) seats for her first NYC appearance on this tour. Problem is, I'll have nobody to go with! Either all my friends hate her and her music or they don't wanna shell out for the price of a ticket. Looks like I might be standing next to stranger and a whole lotta money in my pocket the day of the show!
So Moussaoui got life for his part in the 9/11 attacks. Well, I'm glad he didn't get the death penalty - but if I was on the jury I would have picked a different, more effective way of punishing him. I would have just sent his ass off to the nearest Disney Store where he could work the cash registers and field customer requests from crazy moms and bratty little snots for Winnie the Pooh stuffed bears and Lion King II dvds for the rest of his wretched life.
Apple, listen up! I was witness to (yet another) New York baby tantrum, this time on the subway. Seems that babies gotta have their iPods too. They don't shut up until momma hands over her pod and they can listen to her Black Eyed Peas or whatever hip hip hippity hop playlist. Another target market for ya, Apple.