Sunday, May 07, 2006

Craptacular Weekend

I haven't left my stupid apartment all weekend. Thursday night, a friend in the City asked me to model for an anti-meth campaign (which I suppose was waaaaay more pro-booze) and I ended up drinking a little. Anyway the next morning I wake up with an overzealous hangover and a really grody pop-eye. So I've been hiding from humanity sitting in seclusion on probably the nicest weekend in New York this year listening to all the non-Mexicans in my neighborhood loudly celebrating Cinco de Mayo. Yay! I end up sitting in my apartment picking myself apart for drinking what I did (which is so incredibly lame, since what I drank is probably the equivalent of some people's morning mouthwash) and thinking about investing in a plastic bubble to live in. So. I have a whole weekend to read and watch teevee and surf the net, right? Nope! My head and eyes hurt too much to stare at a book, or even a comic-book. The cable's been out on this side of the apartment for over a week now and the cable-jerk isn't coming til this next upcoming weekend (guess I'm gonna miss the season finales of "Lost" and "Smallville", the only two shows I ever watch - godamn you, Time-Warner). My internet access has pooped in and out on me too. Hey though, I thought I could maybe work with my digital camera since I just got it a new battery (battree, for you Pam). My camera, my life and blood, had been acting out. It "informed" me it wanted me to change it's battery pack, which I would then do - but, it would snappishly repeat its message to me even after I fed it a freshly charged battery. I got a new battery off the internet and weeks later after it came, I charged it and placed it into my hungry camera - crap. I got the same message. My camera is a petulant brat and I'm a practically on welfare, so I'm too poor to pay to fix it or *egads!* replace it. That reminds me, my iPod is also being a fucking bitch troublemaker. It loses its power after using it for only an hour. ARGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Seems like my sickness infects anything with a circuit. I'm like a cursed super-villian.


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