Saturday, December 03, 2005

A Warning of Advice

Never tell anyone (me, for instance) that he looks like Pee-Wee Herman. Just think about it. Nobody wants to hear that!

Once in high-school, a girl in my drama class made a similiar mistake. It was the first day of class and our teacher Mrs. Lutz was introducing herself to us and this girl raises her hand and says, "Mrs. Lutz, you really remind me of someone."
Perked up at this attention, our teacher musically responds, "Oh, who would that be?"
"Roseanne." The room fell silent as Mrs. Lutz just stood there giving this girl some kind of voodoo stare that seemed to go on forever. Nobody could believe that she said that! Even though there were body similarities and she did share the same dumpy midwestern aesthetic as Roseanne - Rosenanne isn't someone you would use in comparison when complimenting somebody! I think that girl had to drop out or something, I don't remember her being in that class after that day.


Blogger Amy Eisenman said...

Wow. You know, it kind of reminds me of the time I was talking about music with my boss, who is 50, although I didn't know that. She said she liked the album "Rubber Soul" when she was younger. I said, "Cool! My mom had that on vinyl!"

Oh, crap.

12/06/2005 12:14 PM  

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