Thursday, December 22, 2005

Packing Up for the Holidays

It's been both a busy and boring week here in NYC for me. Subway Strike. King Kong. Winter Hibernation. Infinite Crisis.
And now I'm packing a few bags, getting ready for my 6 AM flight back to Wisconsin.

List of things I'm gonna do while in the Dairy Freezer section of the USA:

Pam's Filmfest: every year she throws together a party when a bunch of us can get together and we show movies we made on our computers. Yay! I can't wait. I made a movie myself and I'm also providing the music (a la an mp3 disc I made).

Holiday at the homes of my parents. I'm giving each of them, and my sister, copies of a ton of digital-pictures I've taken throughout the past year. I'm hoping they'll be excited to see these, since I've been keeping them secret the whole time. If they don't, I'm gonna disown them all. Merry Christmas.

Michael Best and Friedrich: I'm returning to work for the bastards for a couple weeks just to get a paycheck. Plus they are some pretty nice bastards.

Covance: I am screening for yet another paid guinea-pig test. If I pass and make the panel I'll be locked up for over a month!!! If I do get in, you'll all have fun reading about me going insane!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, tell your readers how you almost missed the film fest. Thank goodness you arrived...with a mighty fine film entry and party music mix in hand, I might add.

12/28/2005 11:19 AM  

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