Who Let the Dogs Out?
Tonight I rode a succession of trains (the 2, 4 and 6) into Manhattan to meet the guy that's offering free rent in exhange for walking dogs (for 2 hours a day). Wow. I get off at the 116th St. stop and walk into the cold night-rain of Spanish Harlem. I walk down a few blocks past a bunch of boarded up shops and there it is. Ken meets me at the door and shows me in. I'm greeted by trio of woofers ready for love. I guess I got some real animal magnetism---WOOF! I don't know what to think right now, the place was a super-dump, but it's free. At one point when I checked out the kitchen, I came across a pair of chickens, real live free-range chickens, clucking away in the window sill, but the place is free. The wall to the room that would be mine is kinda imaginery, but there is no rent! Am I crazy? Can I do this? Oh, there was competion for this place, too, even with the punch-holes in the doors. There was a pleasant-looking girl there too. My luck, as it is, she mentioned that she works for a vet and has access to free dog-food. Everyone has their FloCabulary but me!!!
You should really choose a different default template.
Your pal,
I forgot to say "Hello" and "nice to see you." I hope things are kicking ass for you in NYC and that you are doing the kicking (instead of receiving). Peace out. I too wish to flow with my vocabs. Take it easy. Or should I say take it EZ.
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