Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Toby: I will miss you

I'll always remember you for being such a good fun boy, hanging out when the other cats wouldn't dare come out of hiding (especially when those naughty nieces of mine would come over!).

Your squawky pseudo-meow that suddenly appeared out of nowhere- as a kitten you didn't make a peep, then one day Mwrahhhh!!! You'd then bleet at us whenever you'd want something or some attention and you'd get it!

You were our Toby Cat, Toe-eee, Opie, Dopey, and Boiy! And you'd come running especially if you knew there was a box for you to jump into.

You were very good at leaping up from the floor into our awaiting arms.

You were Joe Cat's best friend. (Mom thought you two were boyfriends, yep.)

I'll always remember your big (darker) orange spot that reminded me of the whirlwinds of Jupiter.

I'd love how you'd always piss of my mom- putting your feet in your drinking water, begging to go outside and end up eating grass by the big tree even though you weren't supposed to, sitting in the sink, couch, bed, cabinets, or wherever else you felt comfy.

Christmastime always included you. You'd come out and have a thrilling time in the discarded wrappings and empty boxes.

Remember that time you got your big pumpkin head stuck in the upstairs railing? Haha! That was FUNNY!

You were kind of klutzy too- I think you broke a bunch of mom's stuff. Oh well!

Toby, thanks for making my life happier, I'll always remember the good times we had!

R.I.P. Toby Cat

This morning my mom called me up to let me know Toby passed away. I'm feeling pretty upset right now, I'm missing him so much already. It's gonna be a hard day trying to get all my homework done without thinking about him. I'd really like to say a bit more right now, but I'm feeling too heartbroken...

I'll post some pictures and write up a bit more later.

Toby Cat

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Sunday, February 11, 2007

More Free Money!


Recently I won one of the Foundation Awards at MATC for $800.

And I just got a $100 check from Covance as a referral bonus.

Note about winning scholarship money: They (the man!) take away your financial aid money if you end up with TOO MUCH scholarship dough.

Luckily, I already made too much scholarship money with my last award and had my work study job taken away (don't fret, the school hired me on directly)- luckily, I say, because I heard that Bushy Bush took away the funding for the Federal Work Study Program - and as of March, all the work-study people at my school are being laid off. And now, I won't be laid off because I was already hired on regularly. Whew!

Guess, America has better things to spend their money on than education.

Everyone should know...

vf2 = vi2 + 2ax

vf = vi + at

x = vit + (1/2)at2

x = [(vi + vf)/2]t

Weirdo Dream Alert

Last night I dreamt I went to a movie theater in NYC to watch a documentary about the abortion debate...which was narrated by and starring the Care Bears.



Bull Roar is sooooo boring lately... too much physics homework.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anna Nicole

How sad... I saw the news while in school today. Our class had to download some 3-D models of buildings off the internet. When I came to my homepage I saw the news and I blurted it out to the whole class. Nobody believed me at first, but they checked it out too. Big celebrity deaths always seem to have a dream-like quality to them.

I don't really get into celebrities at all. I think the lot of them are a bunch of f-ckers- but, I genuinely liked Anna Nicole. I liked the goofy, underdog, d-list quality she exuded. I think she got caught up in a world that chews people up and spits them out. Hell, from what little I know, I think she did a heck of a job enduring as long as she did. I don't think their will be another pseudo-celebrity like her...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Yesterday was Mera's Birthday...

According to the DC Comics' 1976 Calendar- and I MISSED IT!

Well, I'm zero for two for the Aqua-birthdays. Mera is Aquaman's underwater wife who has incredible powers over water-shaping: her hard-water powers, as they are sometimes called. I'll have to remember Aqualad's birthday coming up in March...

I'm a bad comic-nerd.