Early Release!
I was let out of Covance early on Wednesday after dosing went wrong the day before. Yay! (Don't worry! I'm okay!) Basically, a bunch of us threw up right away because the solution they mixed the test drug into was a sulfate usually found in capsule form of most drugs, but for some reason, the client insisted it be in liquid form. Yuck! It was like drinking a bunch of industrial soap. I tried to hold it down after two guys before me yacked it up, but I burped a little and....you can guess the rest.
Later on, I was told by one of the doctors that they decided to cancel the study for everyone but the first guy who kept it down when I, the PROFESSIONAL guinea-pig that I am, got sick. I'm always a good test subject, and if something went wrong with my dosing, it had to be a bad study. Who knew I had such power?
It was nice that I only had to stay two days, that's a thousand a day--- good wages, I say!
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