Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Jeffrey Relics #21

Some pics my grandfather took years ago with his polaroid camera:

My grandparents were right on the outskirts of the town they lived in (Fall River, Wis.). Here's a picture of the old barn. Nowadays, everything around it has been developed. Armies of "garage-houses," those new houses that proudly declare that their owners spend more time on the road commuting than they do at home by showcasing that the most important entrance to the house can only be accessed by a motor vehicle, have camped out in what was my grandparents' fields and backyard. The barn, I believe, is sadly gone.

The backyard shed:

A family gathering! My parents, sister and I posing politely. The seventies were good to me!

A poloroid documentation of my fifth birthday. My cousins and grandparents showed up. I remember getting home-made flashcards of the alphabet, which, at the time I still needed to learn (Kindegarten was a mere month away, as was the death of Elvis...which I remember because my teacher was sobbing, sobbing, sobbing) and a plastic bubblegum dispenser that was also a bank.


Blogger 88_keys said...

awww....I want to hug you!

10/31/2006 2:00 PM  

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