Housewarming Party - Sept. 22
A little over a week ago I felt that I was completey moved in and comfortable in my new abode here in Madison - time for a party!!! Many good friends joined me for a night of food, drink, merriment, and intrigue! Oooooh, good times!
A poorly lit picture (lit by party lights!) of me displaying much of the wonderful goodies served up for the night's festivities. Pam made spinach dip. Luckily, Aldi's Grocery was mysteriously throwing out a whole bunch of spinach and she ended up getting a good deal! Yum!!!!
Party guests were impressed with what I've done to the place and took photos as I gave them the "tour."
Frankie, (Franky, or Franki, whatever) showing us what she had to do to get this phone. I don't get it.
I sure hope this young lady's mother doesn't ever see this picture...
Me starting up a night of grrrrrrreat raffle winnings!
Here I am digging in the closet for the first prize of the evening.
Dale was the night's first raffle prize winner. I guess he doesn't want to become a "no-limit person" since he LEFT his prize behind. BTW, I didn't take this crappily cropped picture.
The greatest cinemagraphic moment in history was in a movie we watched. You all have to see Disney's live-action, no hold-barred animal movie, "Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar." It is definetely my favorite. I think that's why it plays at every one of my damn parties. This bear, who's name is Old Grouch, really had it coming, so don't worry.
Matt won the wonderfully recorded live album of the great "Alfredo"! (authentically autographed to Hazel...)
Penises (or, winkies) are hi-larious.
Various items being served...Yum!!!
Franki (or Franky, or Frankie, I don't know...) is going to use her prize as part of her N'Sync altar.
Pam, you got this book for no reason, no reason at all...
Bambi's prize is very educational.
Bambi thinks syphillis is a funny matter.
Matt takes really good pictures!
I don't know who this guy is, haha! But, he was really lucky to win this book!
Sharon is going to become a future DungeonMaster.
Gary the Penguin made a surprise appearance. Later on, I found him in the toilet puking. He parties hardcore!
Pamby's raffle prize!
Shelli's raffle prize!
Olivia Newton-John is totally hot! (Somehow, I don't know how, Xanadu was put on.)
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